One God

What comes into your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. (A.W.Tozer). What do you think when you think about God? What you think about God flows from what you believe about God. And what you believe about God flows from what you know about God. So, what do you believe about God? Where does your knowledge about God come from?
The Bible is God’s word, God’s only revelation of Himself to mankind. The Bible begins with God. The very first verse in the Bible, Gen.1:1, says, “In the beginning God ….” 1Cor.8:4 says, “there is no God but one.” Jer.10:10 says, “the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King.” 1Thess.1:9 tells us that God is “the living and true God.” Jesus said in Jn.17:3, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Note the emphases : there is one God. He is THE living God. He is THE true God.
God said, “I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me…. Is there any God besides Me …. I know of none.” (Isa.44:6, 8). “I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God…. There is no one besides Me; I am the LORD, there is no other…. For I am God, and there is no other.” (Isa.45:5, 6, 21).
For this reason Psa.96:5 says, “ For all the gods (/goddesses) of the peoples (nations) are idols.” They are false and dead. Psa.115:4 says they were made by men. Vss.5-7 say,
5 They have mouths, but they cannot speak;
They have eyes, but they cannot see;
6 They have ears, but they cannot hear;
They have noses, but they cannot smell;
7 They have hands, but they cannot feel;
They have feet, but they cannot walk;
They cannot make a sound with their throat.
Deut.32:16-17 & 1Cor.10:20 make it clear that those who worship and offer sacrifices to idols are worshipping and offerings sacrifices to demons.
Who is your God? Is He the one true and living God who revealed Himself to us in the Bible and who directs us how to worship Him?
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