
Archives for June 2021

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The Sovereignty Of God

sovereign god

Is God really God? You say, "what kind of question is that? What does that mean?" In Isa.40:18 the LORD asked, "To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare with Him?" Let me ask another question : what do you mean when you say, "God is God"? The Biblical answer is that God is the Sovereign God. That means God is the absolutely, infinitely, completely...

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The Church In This Decade

church in this decade

There is an ongoing discussion in the popular journals and magazines regarding the social impact of the present Covid-19 pandemic. Some analysts have looked at developments in Western society and Western culture after the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and are predicting a repeat of the Roaring Twenties when the Covid-19 pandemic eventually fizzles out. The Economist points to ...

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Sons of Rebellion

sons of rebellion

Many people have a skewed characterisation of God based on His perceived temperament in the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament God is the fire and brimstone God, while the New Testament God is the love and forgiveness God. These are stereotypes we can apply to divide and mischaracterise God, but in the one divine Being there is justice and wrath as well as grace and...

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